Monday, May 19, 2008

Indoor and Outdoor Water Conservation

Live Online Event

Green Communities: Indoor and Outdoor Water Conservation
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
90 minutes beginning 2:00 PM EDT / 11:00 AM PDT

Numerous cost-effective strategies and technologies exist to improve water efficiency of interior fixtures and fittings, re-use water for plumbing applications and landscaping, and manage stormwater on-site. And in the affordable housing sector, this can also mean significant cost savings for residents in the form of lower water and sewer bills. This presentation will include a high-level overview of water as a critical resource and how green building strategies are one way to address the issue of water conservation. Participants will also learn practical strategies for indoor and outdoor water efficiency, illustrated through case studies of affordable housing projects.

Registration takes place 20 minutes prior to the event. A detailed description of this event and information on how to participate can be found at

Upcoming Live Online Events
Best Practices in Supportive Housing and Employment Series:
6/17/08 - The Employer's Perspective
The Green Communities series:
TBD - Achieving Healthy and Energy Efficient Buildings
TBD - Beyond New Construction: Retrofitting Existing Buildings
TBD - Beyond Buildings: Green Neighborhood Scale Development
TBD - Beyond Developments: Green Approaches to Asset Management and Resident Services

If you have any questions, please send an e-mail to

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